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// array with texts to type in typewriter
var dataText = ["Wh00pz ! your security get down !", "Patch it now ! before got hacked again !", "Don't worry, your files are safe.", "Remember ! We are party at your security !"];
// type one text in the typwriter
// keeps calling itself until the text is finished
function typeWriter(text, i, fnCallback) {
// chekc if text isn't finished yet
if (i eout(fnCallback, 7000);
// start a typewriter animation for a text in the dataText array
function StartTextAnimation(i) {
if (typeof dataText[i] == 'undefined') {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 30000);
// check if dataText[i] exists
if (i < dataText[i].length) {
// text exists! start typewriter animation
typeWriter(dataText[i], 0, function () {
// after callback (and whole text has been animated), start next text
StartTextAnimation(i + 1);
// start the text animation
//# sourceURL=pen.js
<audio src="" autoplay="true" id="lagu" loop=""></audio>
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<source src="" type="video/webm">
<table width="100%" height="80%">
<small>CUKIMAY CYBER TEAM</small>
<img src="" width="220" height="220" loading="lazy" onerror=" = 'none'">
<br>Hacked By <red><i>Fhmimdfkinsne</i></red><br>
<font size="2" id="hekerabies"></font><br><br>
<font size="1" color="gray"></font>
<div class="footer-greetings">
<font size="2">
<b>Greetz</b> : Sukabumi BlackHat | LulzGhost Team | Kelelawar Cyber Team | Anonsec Team | Anon7 | Type-0 | ./meicookies | MR.HAGAN_404CR4ZY | PohonSagu | FarisGanss | KosameAmegai | K4TSUY4-GH05T | He4l3rz | Unkown1337 | Mr.Grim | Rian Haxor | ChokkaXploiter | MungielL | Nzxsx7 | ./G1L4N6_ST86 | kuroaMEpiKAcyu | UnknownSec | ./Tikus_HaXoR | Temp3 | Mr.L3gacy | xRyukz | Mr.Crifty | Rava | Cubjrnet7 | Calutax07 |Mr.Spongebob | Cr4byP4tty |Rzky0 |Uknown7 | Hadii6666h0$T | PsychoH4x0r | 1T4_KUM4 | ./Ray Xploit | Tn.Error404 | ./XH4YP3R1337 |Ghee1337 | Twenty4 | Malaikat Hati | RidhoHaxor | EL | Mirae7 | R13S | Mrlinkerrorsystem | Lars | Andra | Jeager | Garou | ./MarioGanz
Pojok Apresiasi
BoBoiBoy Rizki
Kami sebagai penonton setia rajawali televisi RTV makin cakep meminta pihak stasiun RTV untuk bersiaran di saluran digital DVB T2 untuk wilayah Ponorogo - Madiun dan wilayah yg menyatu dengannya dengan segera, karena saya sebagai penonton juga sementara masih merasa keberatan kalau nonton nya harus repot-repot pinjam TV orang lain atau streaming TV yg harus online terus karena keterbatasan teknologi, juga termasuk mahalnya paket streaming tv online sehingga saya meminta saluran RTV ini ada di saluran digital DVB T2 yg murah dan gratis tapi pengoperasiannya cepat.
Terima kasih dan pesan ini semoga tersampaikan. aku tunggu perubahan yg selanjutnyA.